SOEG-RTH-M18-NS-K-2L (537705) diffuse sensor



De­sign round
Com­p­lies to standard EN 60947-​5-2
Per­mis­si­on RCM mark,
c UL us - Li­sted (OL)
CE cer­ti­fi­ca­te (see de­cla­ra­ti­on of con­for­mi­ty) to EU EMC di­rec­ti­ve
Ma­te­ri­al in­for­ma­ti­on Cop­per and PTFE-​free
Me­a­su­red pa­ra­me­ter Po­si­ti­on
Me­a­sure­ment prin­ci­ple Op­toe­lec­tro­nic
Me­a­sure­ment pro­cess Diffuse-​reflective pho­toe­lec­tric sen­sor with hi­d­den back­ground
Light type red
Range [mm] 10 to 120
am­bient tem­pe­ra­tu­re [°C] -25 to 55
Con­trol out­put NPN
Swit­ching ele­ment func­ti­on Bright swit­ching
Max. swit­ching fre­quen­cy [Hz] 500
Max. out­put cur­rent [mA] 200
Vol­ta­ge drop [V] <= 2 V
Short cir­cuit re­sis­tan­ce Cy­cling
Ope­ra­ting vol­ta­ge range DC [V] 10 to 36
re­si­du­al rip­ple 20 %
Empty run cur­rent [mA] 25
Re­ver­se po­la­ri­ty pro­tec­ti­on for all elec­tri­cal con­nec­ti­ons
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­ti­on 3-​wire,
Cable length [MTR] 2,5
Cable slee­ve ma­te­ri­al TPE-U(PUR)
size M18x1
Fas­te­ning type With loc­king nut
Tor­que [Nm] 20
Hou­sing ma­te­ri­al brass,
Chro­me pla­ted
Loc­king nut ma­te­ri­al brass,
Chro­me pla­ted
Swit­ching sta­tus in­di­ca­tor LED yel­low
Func­ti­o­nal re­ser­ve dis­play LED green
Am­bient tem­pe­ra­tu­re for mo­ving cable pla­ce­ments [°C] -5 to 55
Pro­tec­ti­on ca­te­go­ry IP65,
Cor­ro­si­on re­sis­tant class KBK 1 - low cor­ro­si­on stress
Set­ting op­ti­ons Po­ten­ti­o­me­ter
Set­tings range lower limit [mm] 10
Set­tings range upp­per limit [mm] 120
Meer informatie over OT-FESTO013667
Gewicht 145 g / Stk
Nummer douanegoederen 85365019
Fabrikant Festo

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